Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Falling Off the Face of The Earth

The following was sparked by Murakami.

Phone rings
I let it go unanswered

SMS comes
I ignore it

Email drops in
I don't reply

Job postings in inbox
I put it in the trash

Enquiries from customers come in
I cancel the phone calls

Mother Father calls me/sms me. Worried about me
I am not there

Lover calls me/emails me/sms me. Feeling ignored
I disappear, unresolved.

Friends miss calls me, sends me a message. What happened to you?
I am non existent, no response

I sit at home
Feeling nothing, doing nothing
Falling out of the face of society
People stop enquiring
It takes only 90 days to erase a human memory
To be a nothing, wait 90 days
To stay a nothing, do nothing


Anonymous said...

Human memory not enough? That's why we have an unconscious so we can be 'tormented' by guilt! Eheh. Also a fertile soil to be explored by budding writers... Come on, little frog, jump! Do not look at the sky, do not be scared.The pond is huge and its waters stagnant - BUT - underneath... here comes your kingdom!

oshun said...

dance dance dance?

Fiona1 said...

anna - unconscious is what it is- under the conscious - where I swim most of the time

oshun - yes...he's a spooky but genius!

Anonymous said...

Funny, I just bought two hours ago Dance Dance Dance!? Spooky... By the way Fiona, just under the conscious is the subconscious. Reach further down and you will find the unconscious. Really, I should not say that, rather you should let the unconscious emerge into your conscious! Relax, let go and do not try to control. Little lotus flower show the path to the little frog...

sarahlaw said...

Read this weeks ago & tempted to do just that-NOhing. Ignore mankind and just be with myself and hope that God will join me.If in future,u find that I ignore your call,it could be that I have switch the NOTHINGNESS mode and wish2avoid mankind.